Friday, September 30, 2011




            Perkembangan pers secara umum merupakan manifestasi dari sebuah kebebasan pers yang terjadi pada masa Reformasi, hal ini menjadi alat yang ampuh bagi pers cetak untuk menunjukkan esksistensinya dan mampu untuk menjalankan sebagaimana fungsinya. Banyaknya bermunculan surat kabar di Kerinci masa Reformasi menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana surat kabar itu dapat bermunculan dengan mudahnya, mampu untuk berkembang dan akhirnya muncul berdasarkan tematiknya, tanpa takut lagi terhadap penyensoran dan pembreidalan oleh pemerintah. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah ingin melihat Bagaimana bentuk perkembangan surat kabar terbitan Kabupaten Kerinci masa Reformasi antara tahun 1998-2008.

Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian sejarah dengan metode penelitian sebagai berikut : (1) Heuristik yaitu mencari dan mengumpulkan informasi dari sumber primer dan skunder. Sumber primer diperoleh melalui dokumen dan lisan dari berbagi berbagai redaksi surat kabar yang ada di Kerinci dan tokoh-tokoh yang terkait dengan surat kabar tersebut. (2) Kritik sumber yaitu melakukan kritik eksteren dan interen. Kritik eskteren adalam memalui pengajian kesahian informasi sejarah yang diperoleh dari informan. Semetara kritik interen dengan cara malakukan pengujian terhadap kesahian tulisan-tulisan sejarah yang berhubungan dengan surat kabar baik dari dokumen maupun wawancara. (3) Interpretasi adalah pemilihan fakta dan pengujian keaslian sumber. (4) Historiografi, menganalisis data dan analisisnya yang disusun ke dalam bentuk karya tulis.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah munculnya Reformasi yang melahirkan kebebasan pers ini membuat boomingnya surat kabar terbitan Kabupaten Kerinci, hal ini terjadi karena beberapa faktor yakni (1) Munculnya kebebasan pers (2) Kepentingan dari pemilik modal, (3) Kebutuhan masyarakat Kerinci akan informasi dan kebutuhan lapangan kerja. Namun surat kabar terbitan Kerinci ini tidak selamanya mampu untuk bertahan hidup, hal ini dikarenakan permasalahan ekonomi yang tidak bisa diatasi oleh pemilik surat kabar tersebut, sehingga banyaknya surat kabar yang berguguran. 


I.       Arsip
Arsip Dinas Pedidikan
Arsip Badan Penyelengaraan Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Kerinci
Arsip Penerbitan dan Pers Humas Infokom Sekda Kerinci
Arsip Surat Kabar Harian Kerinci Pos
Arsip Surat Kabra Harian Pagi Radar Kerinci
Arsip Tabloid Identik
Arsip Tabloid Lensa Ekspres
Arsip Tabloid Kerinci Ekspres
Arsip Tabloid Puti
Arsip Tabloid Sakti

II.    Buku
Abdurrachman Surjomihardjo, “Beberapa Segi Perkembangan Sejarah Pers di Indonesia”. Jakarta: Kompas, 2002
Andree A Hardjana, “Kecenderungan Budaya Masa Kini”. Jakarta: Universitas Atmajaya, 1996
Ahmad Yunus, “Sejarah Kebangkitan Nasional Daerah Jambi”. Depertement Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jambi, 1985
Daniel, Lev, “Peranan dan Sumbangan Pers Dalam Pembangunan”. Bandung: Bina Cipta Karya, 1971
Deddy Mulyana, “Nuansa-Nuansa Komunikasi”. Bandung Remaja Rosda Karya Offset, 1999
Dedy N Hidayat, “Pengantar Komunikasi Masa”. Jakarta: Grafindo, 2007
Dedy N Hidayat, “Pers Dalam Revolusi Mei”. Jakarta: Gramedia, 2000
Gottschalk, Louis, “Mengerti Sejarah”. Jakarta: Yayasan Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, 1997
Hendra Naldi, “Booming” Surat Kabar di Sumatera Westkus. Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2008
Jakob Oetama, “Pers Indonesia (berkomunikasi dalam masyarakat tidak tulus)”. Jakarta: Kompas Media Nusantara, 2001
Kartini A Rosmal, “Sejarah Buku, Majalah dan Surat Kabar”. Bekasi: Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Komunikasi Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Islam “45”, 2009
Koentjaraningrat, “Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi”. Jakarta: Aksara Baru, 1986
Kozok, Uli, “Kitab Undang-Undang Tanjung Tanah”. Jakarta: Obor Indonesia, 2006
Lembaga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kerinci (LKPK) “Pesona Budaya Kerinci Provinsi Jambi”.  Sungai Penuh, Juni 1996
Mestika Zed, “Kerinci Era Reformasi”. PKSBE: Universitas Negeri Padang, 2007
Mestika Zed, “Metodologi Sejarah”. Padang: Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Sosial UNP, 1999

M Gani, “Surat Kabar Indonesia Pada Tiga Zaman”. Jakarta: Proyek Pusat Publikasi Pemerintah Depertemen Penerangan RI, 1987
Nurdin, “Sistem Komunikasi Indonesia”. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004
Quail, Denis MC, “Teori Komunikasi Massa”. Terjemahan Agus Dharma dan Aminudin Ram. Jakarta: Erlangga, 1987
Ricklefs, “Sejarah Indonesia Modern (1200-2008”). Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2008
Saffat Idris. “Kebebasan, Tanggung Jawab dan Penyimpangan Pers”. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka, 2008
 Sartono Kartodirdjo, “Sejarah Nasional IV”. Jakarta: P dan K, 1975
Soebagijo Ilham Notodidjojo, “Sejarah Pers Indonesia”. Jakata: Dewan Pers, 1977
Totok Djuroto, “Manajemen Penerbitan Pers”. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2000
Uchana Otong Effendy, “Dimensi-Dimensi Komunikasi”. Bandung: Alumni, 1986
Veven SP Wardhana, “Budaya Massa dan Pergeseran Masyarakat”. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya, 1995
Yunasril Ali, dkk, “Adat Basendi Syara” (Sebagai Fondasi Membangun Masyarakat Madani di Kerinci). Kerinci: STAIN Kerinci Press, 2005
Zahakir Haris, “Sakti Alam Kerinci Sekepal Tanah Surga”. Bandung: Koran Sakti, 2002
Zahakir Haris, “Kapten Anumerta Muradi Pejuang Gerilya”. Bandung: Koran Sakti, 2003

III. Artikel, Koran, Tabloid
Bonafide, ”Mengenang Sejarah Terbentuknya Kabupaten Kerinci”. November
Harian Jurnal Nasional “Sejarah Pers Indonesia”. 13 Oktober 2007
Kerinci Kita, edisi Oktober 2008
Kerinci Pos, edisi 04 Agustus 2006
Lensa Ekspres, edisi Juli 2006, September 2006
Majalah Padi, edisi Desember 2008
Media Galang, 3 Mei 2004 dan 5 Juni 2004
Mulyani Sri, dkk. “Alih Media Arsip Kovensional ke Media Elektronik: Upaya Penyelamatan dan Pelestarian Arsip”. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta. 2009
Puti, edisi Agustus 2003, Januari 2004 dan Juni 2004
Radar Kerinci, edisi 08, 09, 10 dan 11 September 2007.
Sakti, edisi No 5, Februari 1999; No. 7 dan 8, Apri 1999; No 9, Mei 1999; No 7 Juni 1999 dan No. 11, Juni 1999.

IV.  Internet
Skripsi, “Pengaruh Atribut Produk Koran Harian Umum Riau Mandiri tehadap loyalitas pelanggan di Pekan Baru”. http://content%201.pdf-Foxit_Reader_2.3 (5 Januari 2010), 2008, “Sejarah Kerinci”.Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010, 03:49, 24 November 2009

V.     Skripsi
Beni Yulianto, “Harian Umum Lampung Post, Studi tentang Lahir, Perkembangan dan Peranannya (1974-1999)”. Jatinangor: Jurusan Ilmu Sejarah, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2006

Hadawiyah, “Strategi Memenangkan Persaingan dalam Pemasaran Surat Kabar Harian di Makassar (Kasus Fajar, Tribun Timur dan Pedoman Rakyat”). Makassar: Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin, . 2005

Rini Juniarsih, “Pers Daerah Masa Reformasi: Study Perkembangan Pers di Sumatera Barat (1998-2002)”. Padang: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, UNP, 2003

Fashion Jewelery Provides an Opportunity To Look Graceful

In ancient times, jewelry is one of the very important part of fashion. Today, people in the real renaissance of fashion jewelry. Most women love to add some of the latest jewelry and unique in their fashion statement. In this modern era, costume jewelry is making a new story. Both boys and girls are regarded as traditional sports and funky jewelry. These are not simply thrown jeweleries side of what is around the neck and the collar worn or ear lobe, but also at the elbow, tongue, eyebrow, navel and nose.

Those who make the fashion as fashion jewelry manufacturers jewelers known. They are the people who originally developed and produced such excellent pieces of jewelry. The price of fashion jewelry fashion jewelry manufacturer in both wholesale and retail. These manufacturers have skilled workers and good infrastructure which they created with the help of various types of models that are based primarily on popular trends of the contemporary market. Generally, the producer of these innovative design trends to the occupation of several fashion markets and also to keep one step ahead of the competition.
Costume jewelry manufacturers put more emphasis on the creation of various new types of jewelry with customer-centric approach. It should be adapting well to this opportunity to wish their customers with jewelry for her. These drawings are made more extraordinary in real pieces of jewelry in various plants. With the help of many trained and skilled artisans and craftsmen.

The upward trends and enthusiasm in various jewelry fashionable in the women's segment is responsible for increasing competition in the market, the jewelry industry. This is the main reason, why not try the manufacturer of costume jewelry, drawings extraordinary, beautiful and innovative to produce at competitive prices. Ladies jewelry now have a different type are made by the surge, as they are now only one garment worn. The change in the room must jewelry on a regular basis has become one day. The right type of jewelry worn at the right time, the remarkable effect on a person feel and look more pleasant, modern and beautiful.

An expensive piece of fashion jewelry is a precious commodity that is processed and designed so it can last long. For many centuries, different people purchasing this jeweleries identity as a producer and as an investment. Today, in India's exports of these jewelers mode also increases with a higher degree to increase exports further, the jewelry industry is working hard to improve the designs that sell their products on an international platform of acceptability can help.

One can certainly find the database of various fashion jewelry manufacturers, wholesalers, exporters and suppliers via the Internet. These manufacturers deal with different categories, including diamonds, pearls, artificial, silver and various other types of jewelry.

Jewelry Gift Ideas

It has always been a fascinating relationship between women and jewelry. During the entire period, through various regions and across cultures, this fascination has remained unchanged. Jewelry for women is one of the best gift ideas from the time that can be mistaken as good as never be tested.
These gifts come in a variety of price range for every budget. Funky jewelry to exotic and rare diamonds, pearls and precious stones, there are innumerable gift ideas for her jewelry.
Pre-engagement ring and bridal jewelry

Be one of the most beautiful gift for a longtime friend of a pre-engagement ring. It is a symbol of steadfast rights in marriage, and an expression of pure love for his wife.

As the wedding approaches, is expected to be lady bridal jewelry that special gift a woman can get from her fiancé. The value of the gems from you on the affordability of the individual, but the feeling behind it is something very special. A wedding ring, for example, is probably the most precious gift that any woman can ever expect from her husband.

Jewelry Gifts for Bridesmaids
A thoughtful and gracious gesture to buy a totally unique piece of jewelry for bridesmaid. It can not only be the maid of honor, but it can also at the heart of the bride, and you put together a wonderful feeling of the occasion.

Birthday Jewelry Gift
It is hard to walk, with the choice of a birthday gift for her when it comes to jewelry wrong. It could be jewelry for the wife, girlfriend, sister, mother or daughter, but in any case, it's for a birthday gift as special.

Teen Jewelry Gifts
And non-earrings, anklets, toe rings, bracelets, jewelry, or undesirable, a wonderful gift for teenage girls. Sometimes parents like to have a promise ring for her girls to donate to a special day when he was 16 Birthday.

A promise ring symbolizes a personal connection between parent and daughter, and to defend the rule extracts a promise of the girl, their values ​​and their counsel. Jewelry for prom is also a gift for a teenager.

Popular Jewelry Gifts for Women
Some of the most popular jewelry gift ideas for women includes gold chains, pendants diamond earrings diamond or precious stone, beautiful beads, bracelets and hair ornaments. Jewelry gift boxes are also very popular gift for women. Whether for gifts jewelry a girlfriend or a Thanksgiving gift or Mother's jewelry, the idea is popular for all women in all age groups.

Jewelry Gifts for Birthday, Graduation Day, Valentine's Day
Some days are something very special in the life of a woman. His wedding, graduation and Valentine's Day means to them very much. A gift of jewelry can be the best way to make him a very special and memorable for the rest of his life.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tips Cara Download File dari Filesonic, Fileserver, Wupload Menggunakan Internet Download Manager / IDM

     Mungkin bagi setiap orang pengguna internet yang akan men-download sebuah file dengan menggunakan IDM / Internet Download Manager pasti agak sedikit kesal atau jengkel, apabila file yang akan di download berada di server Filesonic, Fileserver, ataupun Wupload di karena kan kita tidak bisa menggunakan IDM / Internet Download Manager untuk mendowloadnya, bagi yang belum memiliki IDM / Internet Download Manager, bisa anda Download disini.
mungkin bagi sebagian orang tips n trik ini sudah biasa / sudah mereka ketahui tapi tidak semua orang pengguna internet mengetahuinya oleh karena itu, pada postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit tips n trik tentang bagaimana kita bisa men-download file yang tersimpan di server Filesonic, Fileserver, maupun Wupload dan mungkin masih banyak lagi server-server lainnya, karena saya pun belum mencoba pada semuanya.

Langkah pertama setting Interner Download Manager / IDM terlebih dahulu.
  • Buka Interner Download Manager / IDM dengan meng-klik icon yang berada pada pojok kanan bawah di sistem try icon
try icon idm
  • Setelah itu akan muncul halaman Interner Download Manager / IDM, kemudian klik tab Option, maka akan muncul seperti gambar dibawah ini
icon option idm
  • Kemudian pilih Tab General,selanjutnya klik Tombol "Key.." seperti yang ditunjukan pada gambar diatas
  • Pada Halaman Using special keys beri tanda "ceklist" pada kolom kedua, setelah itu anda bebas memilih apa yang mau anda gunakan, ada 4 pilihan yaitu; Alt, Shift, Ctrl, dan ins [insert]
keys idm
  • Selanjutnya klik Ok kemudian close IDM anda (termasuk yang disistem try icon).
Klu hal diatas sudah anda lakukan semua, sekarang saatnya kita olah TKP / mulai men-Download
Dalam hal ini saya akan mengambil contoh untuk men-Download sebuah file di server Filesonic.

1. Pastikan anda memiliki link file yang akan anda Download dari server Filesonic.

2. Kemudian klik Slow Download , Tunggu beberapa saat (biasanya 30detik), setelah itu isikan code anti spam / Captcha.

3. Jika Code Captcha yg anda masukan benar, biasanya akan muncul Tulisan "Start Download Now"

4. Karena pada setting IDM kita menceklis yang tombol Ctrl, maka pada saat kita mau Download kita tekan tombol Ctrl nya, kemudian klik tulisan "Start Download Now" ( sambil menekan tombol Ctrl )

5. Tunggu beberapa detik hingga tombol IDM nya muncul dan file yang akan kita download berubah seperti file yang akan kita download ( misalkan : file rar dengan kapasitas 5MB maka pada saat tombol IDM muncul tunggu beberapa detik hingga gambar file yang mau kita download berubah menjadi gambar rar dan dibawahnya terdapat jumlah kapasitasnya yaitu 5MB ) jika tombol download IDM di klik sebelum gambarnya berubah maka download tidak akan berhasil.

Sekian,, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat...
Source: d3komputer

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     Mozilla Firefox adalah web browser tercepat dan memiliki fitur lengkap yang mudah digunakan. Browser ini memiliki banyak fitur yang besar termasuk popup-blocking, tab-browsing, integrated search, fitur privasi yang ditingkatkan, memperbarui otomatis dan masih banyak lagi. Berkat peluncuran dari yang dibundel didalam Mozilla Firefox, Edisi Portabel ini, tidak meninggalkan informasi pribadi di belakang mesin Anda pada saat menjalankannya, sehingga Anda dapat mengambil browser favorit Anda bersama dengan semua bookmark favorit Anda dan ekstensinya, ke manapun Anda pergi.

Fitur tambahannya meliputi:
  • Live Bookmarks - RSS integrasi memungkinkan Anda membaca berita terbaru dan membaca update situs favorit Anda yang sindikasi.
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  • Privacy and Security - Dibangun dengan keamanan didalam pikiran Anda , Firefox menjaga komputer Anda aman dari spyware jahat dengan tidak memuat kontrol ActiveX berbahaya.
  • Plugins - Program ini memungkinkan situs web untuk menyediakan konten untuk Anda dan muncul pada browser Anda.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi ...
Firefox juga dilengkapi dengan standard set untuk alat developer, termasuk JavaScript dan kesalahan CSS / peringatan konsol, dan Dokumen opsional yang memberikan wawasan yang rinci tentang halaman Anda.

Catatan: Tidak diperlukan instalasi. karena bersifat Portable.

Supported OS: Windows 2K, XP, Vista, 7
Requirements: None
File Size: 15.10 MB

Download Mozilla Firefox Portable 7.0

Jewelry Making - Choosing the Right Pearl

Jewelry making can be fun and rewarding. To choose with so many precious stones, pearls, shells and crystals, manufacturers can create many unique designs of jewelry. Among the many decisions pearl the pearl is very popular. Pearls elegance and a nice gesture, every piece of jewelry. With so many types of pearls available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. There are two main types of beads, which are widely used to make jewelry. Freshwater and saltwater pearls, both offer an inexpensive way to dress jewelry.

Freshwater pearls offer a variety
Freshwater pearls are cultured from mussels in salt water instead of bodies such as lakes and rivers. You are not by nature, how to make shells beads are processed by the insertion of a core of pearl beads. In the early 19th Century, the United States the main source of freshwater pearls. Due to overfishing, it is no longer the case. Today is the biggest producer in China, which has its 13th harvest since Century.

Properties of freshwater pearls
  • Available in a variety of forms
  • Available in various colors
  • Sustained
  • Inexpensive
  • Popular with jewelry makers
  • The average sizes of 4 mm to 10 mm
Salt water pearls provides elegance
Salt water pearls from oysters grown live in a salty environment. These beads are similar through a process of manipulation, such as the freshwater-cultured pearls. The oyster can only grow a pearl at a time, so that they are more expensive than freshwater pearls.

  • Smooth
  • Round
  • Glossy surface
  • Lustre moderate
  • The color is usually white or pale

The three main types of saltwater Akoya pearls, Tahitian and South Sea pearls are. Akoya pearls are the most popular type of pearl. They are almost perfectly round in size from 2 mm to 11 mm. They are white or cream with accents of pink, blue or green.

Tahitian pearls are one of the largest pearls. Sizes range from 9mm to 16mm.They come mainly in black, but they can also be silver or graphite with accents of blue, purple or green.

South Sea pearls are the rarest types of pearls popular. The average size is 13 mm, but they can be found in sizes from 8 mm to 20 mm. These beads have a satin luster and are available in different colors. The most popular colors are white, silver and gold, as these colors are rare in other types of pearls.

The types of beads above are just the beginning. There are many different types of pearls falling in fresh and salt water categories. They all offer a unique look with different shapes, sizes and colors.

Gemstones as Birthstones

Gemstones are common in jewellery, and usually used in different kind of rings. Every gemstone have different characteristics, gemstones are further classified as birthstone as well. Here birthstone for each month of the year and each has its own meaning.
January - Garnet
The gem of trust and truth, protects from poison, help to stop bleeding, heal sickness of the blood and infections.

February - Amethyst,
Evil thoughts prevention, Aids in battle, helps hunters to catch animals, and helps the owner be excellent in business.

March - Aquamarine
 It gives the wearer courage, foresight and courage. Seamen used aquamarine to gemstones to keep them safe and to prevent seasickness.
April - Diamond
Symbol of strength, Invincibility and Courage. It is the gift of love.

May - Emerald
Makes eyesight Sharpen of wearer, opens mind. Good for Travelers to used them as protection against the hazards of long trips. Green color is said to provide the power to predict the future.

June - Pearl
Pearls increase the power of love, protection, money and luck. It is believed pearls provide wisdom through experience and protect children from harm.

July - Ruby
Its red color is associated to sex, strength, passion, health, physical energy, courage, and protection. It is related with birth, blood, and death.

August - Peridot
Peridot bring the good luck to wearer, success and peace. Its powers include fitness, protection, and good sleep. It attracts love, avoid irritation, eases anxiety and harmful emotions

September - Saphire
Spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. It is said to helps in the healing of rheumatism, colic and rational illness

October - Opal
Enhance inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight. It also aids in identification past lives.

November - Yellow Topaz
Heals both physical and mental illnesses and prevent death.  Also aids the kidneys, digestive tract liver, heart, and muscles. It promotes creativeness, personal clearness and eliminates self-destructive tendencies.

December - Blue Topaz
It attracts success, money and love. It gives courage, protection, healing, friendship, and luck. It eases the mind.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Organize Earrings

When I was younger, I used the fabulous collection of earrings, all my friends to have. Everyone says so. Large pieces will shine bright, impertinent, I had them all. Loved the earrings. They are the perfect accessory to dress up even the most casual outfits. But then in the middle of last year, I found myself wearing the same three or four pairs of earrings, again and again and again. It was because I never could find all my earrings in the morning before I went to work! I was always one of them, but found the game was just too much time when I was late, so I just threw on the next pair and the left. That's when I realized that I needed to organize my earrings. And you can too. It's easy!
What you need
How to organize your earrings, you need an organizational system. Some people like to use the earring trees or other appropriate measures, such as a statue figures. However, if you're like me and too many earrings for a single earring tree, you need something a little bigger. I opted for a tray of a mesh stackable local store, but you can do everything that is mesh and large enough to keep using all your earrings. Networks or even old pieces of lace work well, as long as they are being monitored. You also need your choice of hooks, wall adhesive, or place your buck Organizer.

What to do
First, you should, by starting your earrings and put them in pairs. Sit down at a large table or on the floor, empty all your earrings and go! Put them together in pairs. If there are earrings, you can not find a partner who can put it aside in a special box in the case of the latter shows unexpectedly. In addition, there might be a good time to repair to any damaged or earrings earrings gift that you no longer want to charity renowned.

Then you take your power "organizer". Start by all earrings with little messages on the network. Be sure they are secured by stitching through the mesh of the position, then secure the back of the earring to the post. Pair of earrings hang side by side. Then hang the earrings hanging on the network by hook or messages through the network and secure the rear post, if necessary. Remember to hang enough space for the ear rings and not leave scratches on the other. Earrings secured, hang on the side so as not to turn the tires. Earrings Earrings can be hung on the ground, so that the levers are closed.

If your earrings by color or shape, do not want to arrange the size, is a great idea, too. In this way, you're sure to find the earrings you immediately.

Once all of your earrings are on the mesh, you can hang your jewelry on the wall with a selection of wall brackets or glue. If you're not a fan of holes in your walls or tear the paint or wallpaper, you can buy one or want to stand on your organizer earring bears against the tendency, everywhere you are.

This is not only a great way to organize your earrings, make sure you never lose another pair of new is a fantastic way to add luster to your wall!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Download Uniblue Powersuite 2011 Full Version + Serial Number

     Lagi iseng nunggu Masakan Mateng, saya mau share Software Uniblue Powersuite 2011 Full Version + Serial Number, pada postingan saya yang sebelumnya yaitu Free Download Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 Full Version + Keygen dan Membersihkan Sampah Registry Windows menggunakan CCleaner yang membahas tentang Registry Windows,, Sama halnya dengan software yang satu ini, namun memiliki Fitur yang lebih lengkap, yuukk kita simak Fitur apa saja yang terdapat di dalam Software ini,, Cekidott.

Uniblue Powersuite 2011

Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 adalah seperangkat alat-alat pemeliharaan untuk membersihkan, memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan PC Anda.
Anda juga akan mendapatkan Registry cleaner didalam Uniblue RegistryBooster 2011. Program ini dengan cepat akan memindai Registry Anda untuk entri berlebihan dan rusak, memperbaikinya dengan meng-klik, maka defragment Registry untuk memastikan penggunaan jumlah minimum RAM dan ruang hard drive.

Dan Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja PC Anda melalui berbagai teknik yang berbeda: menonaktifkan layanan yang tidak perlu, membersihkan file sampah, mengoptimalkan pengaturan Internet Anda dan menerapkan sejumlah tweak Registry yang berguna.

Uniblue Powersuite 2011 Adalah solusi yang lengkap untuk kinerja komputer Anda. Penggabungan dari tiga software terbaik Uniblue, dengan kata lain bila Anda memiliki Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 maka Anda akan mendapat 3 software sekaligus ( 3 in 1), yaitu: Registry Booster, SpeedUpMyPc, dan DriverScanner


Dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan dan Membersihkan registry Windows. Dengan teknologi automatic error detection, Registry Booster akan mendeteksi key registry terfragmentasi, rusak, atau tidak benar dan mengoreksi kesalahan yang terdeteksi, sehingga memungkinkan peningkatan performa dan sistem stabilitas secara keseluruhan.

- Scan and find outdated system drivers
- Download the latest version of the driver
- Select the number of simultaneous downloads
- Displays the status of drivers
- Display the scanning process
- Create a backup installed drivers
- Restore the system after its collapse
- Easy and intuitive user interface


Program untuk mempercepat komputer Anda. SpeedUpMyPC otomatis menentukan instalasi terbaik untuk komputer dan mengelola sumber daya sistem, memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik. Dengan SpeedUpMyPC Anda dapat membuat sistem pembersihan, untuk memantau penggunaan sumber daya dan mempercepat kinerja PC anda.

- Automatically scan the system performance
- Overview of CPU
- Improving the functionality of the processor
- Review the use of RAM
- Optimize RAM
- Review the use of disk space
- Analyzing and defragmenting hard drives
- Analysis and Optimization speed internet connection
- Startup Manager
- Task Manager
- Review of and recommendations for increasing its productivity
- Crawling on unnecessary or unwanted data
- Complete destruction of confidential data (optional)
- Manager to uninstall the program
- Nice and easy interface yuzersky

*Drive Scanner:

Ini mencakup Uniblue DriverScanner 2011, yang memeriksa driver perangkat yang diinstal pada PC Anda, menyoroti apapun yang keluar dari tanggal, kemudian menempatkan, download dan menginstal update dalam beberapa klik.

- Remove harmful registry entries to reduce the number of errors and data conflicts Defragment registry to improve the efficiency of data processing
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Beberapa Kejadian dan Perkembangan Peting Sebelum Masehi (SM)


3500-3000TULISAN diciptakan oleh bangsa Sumeria
MENES mempersatukan Mesir
Permulaan JAMAN PERUNGGU di Timur Tengah

3000-2500Permulaan JAMAN PERUNGGU di Timur Tengah
Cheops ; Piramida besar dibangun

2500-2000Sorgan dari Akad menaklukkan Sumeria

Abjad pertama (Orang Kanaan purba?)
Kode Hammurabi

Ramai-ramai ke luar dari Mesir ; NABI MUSA
Pemakaian BESI meluas di Timur TengahPerang Troya
Raja Daud memerintah di Darussalam

1000-600Raja Daud memerintah di DarussalamHOMER
Nabi Yahya

600-500Zaman besi di Cina mulai
Orang-orang Babilonia menaklukkan Yudea,
Menghancurkan Kuil Nabi Sulaiman
CYRUS YANG AGUNG manaklukkan Babilonia

500-400KONG HU-CU
Pertempuran Marathon ;Infanteri yang dipersenjatai melimpah menang
Cheops ; Piramida besar dibangun

400-300Socrates meninggal
Meng Tse

Aristrachus dari Samos
SHIH HUANG TI mempersatukan cina

200-100Roma mengalahkan Kartago dalam perang Funisia Kedua
Liu Pang mendirikan dinasti Han
Roma menaklukkan Yunani

100-1 MJulius Caesar manaklukkan Gaul
AUGUSTUS CAESAR, Kaisar Romawi pertama

Monday, September 26, 2011

Free Download Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 Full Version + Keygen

Sebelumnya saya pernah share cara Membersihkan Sampah Registry Windows menggunakan CCleaner dan cara Hapus Folder kosong dari Hard Disk dengan Emty Folder Remover. Pada kesempatan posting kali ini saya ingin berbagi software yang tak kalah keren dengan software tersebut, yaitu Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 Full Version + Keygen.

Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 Full Version

     Revo Uninstaller Pro dapat membantu Anda untuk menghapus software atau menghapus program yang tidak diinginkan yang terinstal pada komputer Anda, bahkan jika Anda memiliki masalah menghapus dan tidak bisa menghapus mereka dari "Windows Add or Remove Programs".

Revo Uninstaller Pro adalah alternatif yang jauh lebih cepat dan lebih kuat untuk applet "Windows Add or Remove Programs"!

Dengan metode Fast algoritma, Revo Uninstaller Pro dapat menganalisa data aplikasi sebelum meng-uninstall dan scan setelah Anda meng-uninstall aplikasi. Setelah menjalankan program reguler uninstaller, Anda dapat menghapus file yang tidak diperlukan, folder dan key registry yang biasanya tersisa pada komputer Anda. Bahkan jika Anda memiliki broken installation, Revo Uninstaller Pro scan untuk data aplikasi pada hard disk drive dan dalam Windows registry dan menampilkan semua file yang ditemukan dalam folder dan key registry sehingga Anda dapat menghapusnya.

Dengan "Hunter mode" nya, Revo Uninstaller Pro menawarkan Anda beberapa metode sederhana, mudah digunakan, tapi efektif dan kuat untuk meng-uninstall perangkat lunak. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mengelola Software yang diinstal dan / atau program perangkat lunak yang sedang berjalan.

Revo Uninstaller Pro memiliki fitur yang sangat kuat yang disebut Forced Uninstall. Fitur ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menghapus sisa-sisa program yang sudah dihapus, instalasi tidak lengkap dan uninstallations program! Tidak masalah jika program, Anda ingin menghapus, tidak tercantum dalam Revo Uninstaller Pro atau di Windows Add / Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Uninstall Paksa memberikan kekuatan untuk pengguna tetapi baja menjaga keamanan dan keakuratan hasil.

Revo Uninstaller Pro memiliki fitur lain yang memungkinkan pemantauan instalasi program dan mendeteksi perubahan sistem selama instalasi tersebut. Proses ini dilakukan secara real time - secara bersamaan! Fitur ini juga sangat kuat karena oleh perubahan sistem pemantauan selama instalasi kita menghilangkan semua algoritma scanning ketika kita perlu untuk meng-uninstall program tersebut.

Berikut ini adalah daftar peralatan dan utilities yang termasuk didalam Revo Uninstaller Pro:

Auto Start Manager - meng-Hentikan program-program yang dimulai secara otomatis pada saat startup Windows; sehingga mempercepat loading Windows!

Windows Tools Manager - berguna dan sangat bermanfaat yang dibundel dalam setiap versi Windows; mudah menemukan system yang berguna pada opsi pilihan!

Junk File Cleaner - Cari dan menghapus file yang tidak perlu dari komputer Anda, ruang disk bebas dan menghapus file Anda tidak perlu!

Browsers History Cleaner - Menghapus riwayat web browser, visited pages history dan temporary file internet didalam Internet Explorer, Netscape dan Opera web browser; membebaskan banyak ruang disk dengan menghapus temporary internet file seperti video yang disimpan sementara, file flash sementara, gambar sementara, dll !

Office History Cleaner - meng-Hapus history file yang paling terakhir digunakan dalam MS Office; menghapus trek Anda dengan menghapus daftar terakhir saat membuka dokumen MS Office!

Windows History Cleaner - meng-Hapus history file yang baru dibuka, menghapus file-file sementara, menghapus trek penggunaan dan item history lainnya yang disimpan oleh Windows; menghapus trek tersimpan oleh Windows untuk banyak operasi!

Unrecoverable Delete Tool - Menghapus file dan folder selamanya; yakinkan bahwa tak ada yang bisa memulihkan file dan folder Anda setelah menghapusnya!

Evidence Remover - Memastikan file telah dihapus, folder dan data lainnya; aman menghapus data Anda!

Kompatibel dengan: Windows XP, 2003, Vista dan Win7 (32/64-bit)
Multilingual: Inggris, Italia, Jepang, Belanda, Denmark, Bulgaria, Polandia, Slovakia, Ibrani, Macedonia.

Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 Full Version

Petunjuk Instalasi agar menjadi Full version
1.) Install Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 (RevoUninProSetup.exe)
2.) Tutup program.
3.) Jalankan keygen (Untuk Vista / 7, ANDA HARUS klik kanan dan Open as Administrator) dan Tekan tombol "generate".

Hal ini akan membuat license.dat pada folder Data Aplikasi.

Untuk 7 simpan di: -% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Lokal \ VS Revo Grup \ Revo Uninstaller Pro \ license.dat

Untuk XP simpan di: -% USERPROFILE% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ VS Revo Grup \ Revo Uninstaller Pro \ license.dat


Download Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 (Full Version + keygen) [MediaFire]
Download Keygen Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.3 [MediaFire]

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sterling Silver Jewelry Cleaning Tips

Do not leave your beloved jewelry sitting in a drawer, just because it's too dirty or because you do it before he forgot to remove the hot tub or pool. Sterling silver can turn all black or gold when they come into contact with the chemicals in the water in these institutions. Products such as bleach and nail polish is also a terrible effect on your sterling silver jewelry. But it is not over for parts, because they can be easily cleaned.

Many cleaning techniques and products currently on the market, not in your nearest jewelry store rush. They effectively clean your jewelry and it can be a good solution will pay if you do not mind or do not really want to face.

Many cleaning products are sold in regular stores you just put the jewelry in a small container filled with a special cleaning solution, close and shake him a little. It works great and will not spoil the material or stones, but it can also antique look, used to have. Many jewelers add a solution for the blackening of the jewelry, there is an antique look by turning the black invasion, and it shows all the details of the game much better.

Cleaning wipes are a good alternative, just rub the jewelry and it will be nice and clean again. It may take longer, but gives good results. The only problem is that you may not be able, in some places, depending on how to rub the piece. If your jewelry is just a little dirty, this technique is the best, it is updated, the clean look, and you'll be surprised at how it works. Many different types of cloth available, is the biggest seller on the market in the Sunshine polishing cloth. These cloths are doing with special chemical cleansing agents, the wonders impregnated.

I was raised on the use of ultrasonic cleaners in many new shops, so I bought one myself to try. First, I must never say anything to your jewelry with precious or semiprecious stones in such a garment. It will ruin him. In addition, many of these garments a sprinkler timer. Personally it's not on the parts that I've tried to work on. He had a small effect, but I had to continue up to the point where it was an absurdity to activate. So I would not recommend wasting your money, it may be ok for cleaning, but are not jewelry.

I prefer the technique is not suitable if you have some personal pieces of jewelry. Cups are like jewelry cleaners big it is unbeatable.

If you want to do it yourself, remember, the gems and cameos Turquoise & Howlite before removing the jewelry in the cups. There are two types of cups, rotation and vibration both plans must be made of stainless steel in the canon of work. The plans are jewelry shops for about twenty dollars per pound to deliver. The rotating cup with a capacity of 3 pounds will need about 1 pound shots under normal vibratory tumbler will need about 3-4.

Work clothes at the same time very well just add the shots of stainless steel, start a little water, a little regular dish soap and jewelry in the barrel and the machine. Regular cleaning with a rotating drum will take about 24 hours, while the oscillations, only a few hours. Another disadvantage of rotating the trigger, you need to load and close the running every time when the vibration is an open drum so you can just pick up and cast your free jewelry. In addition, the swinging glass containing a larger volume of jewelry at once. However, rotating drums are interesting because they are much cheaper and make much less noise will be.

You want your jewelry as much as possible to clean? Good idea, you can take care to avoid direct contact with ammonia, bleach, nail polish, alcohol and other harsh cleaning agents. It is best to always remove your jewelry before cleaning, swimming pools or spas will, painting, driving movement of heavy furniture, sports, so you do not brake or dirty. So if you're not wearing your jewelry store in a Ziploc type bag is the reason that sterling silver oxidized with oxygen in contact, which is black over time ..

Indian Jewellery Designs - Photos

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tips to Choose Perfect Ring

When it comes to choosing our own jewelry we can be very picky and we can be very impulsive buyers. Let me give you some tips on choosing your rings. If I help my clients in person, although I put them in jewelry, which can individually guide for them. What I mean by that is that many people only look at the jewelry, regardless of their hands, fingers and comfort. When selecting a ring of course we want the ring to look good, but look good on our special kind of hands? It is like the clothes, it can look great on models, but perhaps not so much about you. Look at your hands, they are broad or narrow, the fingers are short, long, thin ...

If you have large hands, you need a solid ring because chances are your hands are strong and it accordingly and you do not want the brake band. Not choose something too small it will look like proportions. Broadband is ok, but not too wide, go to about half an inch wide. You are one of the lucky people who can wear very large stones
So do not miss!

If you have small delicate hands, you probably already know that the rings are too massive and heavy, not for you. Go for filigree or Celtic designs are much more comfortable and it suits you best. Broad bands can be as long as they are not too big suit and prevents you from closing your hands thoroughly when you buy online and not get to try before you buy to check on the width.

Broad bands are hot right now, but they are not for everyone. Long thin fingers suit them best. In fact, most rings suits you best, but not too close, a stick about a quarter inch and more width at the front.

Short chubby fingers sorry for you, but you should avoid wide bands, you will not be easy and it will end up in a jewelry box. If you are short fingers choose a thinner band, with the front of the small and medium size. If you really want to go with a wideband, and you choose one that tapers to the back to about a quarter inch or less. Try a colorful stone, or perhaps to catch the eye of a cameo ring.

I hope these tips will help you find the rings that fits you best, you buy it and will bring forth justice. After all, if you love a ring, it looks great on the hand and is comfortable that it often ends up as a real treasure.

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     Serangan virus dan Spyware semakin merajalela, maka dari itu anda perlu antispyware dan antivirus.  Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.1289 untuk melindungi / mengamankan PC Anda dan notebook dari serangan virus dan spyware. Avast! Free Antivirus merupakan Free Antivirus terbaik untuk perlindungan komputer anda, saat ini tersedia Edisi FREE OF CHARGE untuk penggunaan non-komersial & Home. Fitur-fiturnya meliputi:
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Free Download Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.1289

Scrolling Background Effek Jquery

Pada kesempatan hari ini saya akan membagikan ilmu tentang jquery, kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai Background blog yang beda dari yang lain, yakni Background yang bias bergerak atau berjalan seperti Background blog saya ini…!!! Gimana pendapat sobat…?

Biar gak banyak ngomong yuk kita langsung aja ke langkah pembuatannya…

1. Seperti biasa kita login terlebih dahulu
2. Setelah login masuk ke Rancangan => Edit HTML
3. Lanjut ke langkah selajutnya, cari kode </head> lalu masukan kode di bawah ini tepat di atasnya.
    (catatan : kalau sudah mempunyai kode ini sobat tidak perlu memasukannya lagi)

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

    4. Kemudian masukan lagi kode di bawah ini tepat di bawah kode yang di atas.

       <script type='text/javascript'>

      // ***
      // Scrolling background
      // ***

      // height of background image in pixels
      var backgroundheight = 4000;

      // get the current minute/hour of the day
      var now = new Date();
      var hour = now.getHours();
      var minute = now.getMinutes();

      // work out how far through the day we are as a percentage - e.g. 6pm = 75%
      var hourpercent = hour / 24 * 100;
      var minutepercent = minute / 30 / 24 * 100;
      var percentofday = Math.round(hourpercent + minutepercent);

      // calculate which pixel row to start graphic from based on how far through the day we are
      var offset = backgroundheight / 100 * percentofday;

      // graphic starts at approx 6am, so adjust offset by 1/4
      var offset = offset - (backgroundheight / 1);

      function scrollbackground() {
      // decrease the offset by 1, or if its less than 1 increase it by the background height minus 1
      offset = (offset < 1) ? offset + (backgroundheight - 1) : offset - 1;
      // apply the background position
      $('body').css("background-position", "50% " + offset + "px");
      // call self to continue animation
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 70

      // Start the animation

      5. Setelah itu cari kode body (biasanya letaknya paling atas) lalu masukan property di bawah ini ke   dalamnya.

        (Catatan : kode yang berwarna biru sobat dapat menggantinya dengan locasi gambar yang sobat punya atau kalau tidak punya y tidak usah di ganti)

        Tidak mengerti cara memasukannya? saya kasih contoh y lihat kode di bawah ini

        body {
        font:x-small Georgia Serif;
        font-size/* */:/**/small;
        font-size: /**/small;
        text-align: center;

        Setelah dimasukan maka akan menjadi

        body {
        font:x-small Georgia Serif;
        font-size/* */:/**/small;
        font-size: /**/small;
        text-align: center;

        Atau apabila ada property background di dalam body maka sobat dapat menggantinya, contoh :

        body {
        background: #000;
        font:x-small Georgia Serif;
        font-size/* */:/**/small;
        font-size: /**/small;
        text-align: center;

        Maka setelah di ganti menjadi

        body {
        font:x-small Georgia Serif;
        font-size/* */:/**/small;
        font-size: /**/small;
        text-align: center;


        6. Terakhir save.
          Artikel ni saya ambil dari dikarenakna saya benggunakan background seperti ini maka saya akan bagi2kan pada sobat smua, mana tau ada yang berminat untuk mencoba background yang saya gunakan ini....

          Men's Titanium Rings Trend

          Are you a titanium men ring as a gift Buy? Think you can get titanium rings for wedding? Do you know the true meaning behind the metal as jewelry? Here you will find some general information to such a decision.
          Many people, myself included, from Titan for the first time whether a military plane or a common human substitution was called to hear. It seems that the jewelers are just new ideas, new lines of jewelry. Titanium jewelry is nonetheless one of the most dynamic sectors in jewelry today, and there are actually many justifications for popularity.
          Most people misunderstand that Titanium (the element on the periodic table chemistry Ti) is a solid metal. In fact, the metal itself is not hard enough for most of its objectives today is the alloy that produces strength and durability to provide heat. In addition, Titan is not like the previous metal like silver, gold or platinum into consideration.
          So what makes Titan so attractive? The most obvious reason is the strength and hardness. A particular class of Titanium, 6.6.2, includes a special blend of aluminum, vanadium and tin is used in many industrial applications such as aerospace. Therefore, the jewels of this type (aircraft quality) of titanium rings, wedding ring and have no problem being used every day. Moreover, the fact that titanium wedding rings are much harder and more durable than gold and silver makes it a perfect candidate for symbolizing the eternity of love in a marriage.

          In addition to traditional applications in marriage, Titan also has several properties that allow it to fashion industry favorite jewelry. For example, tension set diamond rings is in the form of an open circle with a diamond mounted in the openings of one of the most desirable designs that not many metals can be used in. Also, Titanium reacts with different chemicals electrolyte solutions and phrases in different colors like green and blue, as the anodizing process. This makes Titanium Rings much more versatile when it comes to fashion. Finally, titanium inlays also be combined with traditional metals like gold and silver in the form. Titanium rings for men with inlaid gold and silver are bombarding the ring in a vacuum with a beam of gold or silver atom at an angle that the metals are created equal responsibility in the ring.

          Finally, jewelry is a way to express themselves. Rings titanium rings for men are men who like to stay ahead of the trend of fashion and would value the subtle inspiration of the effects of technological progress on all aspects of our lives and culture.

          Bridesmaid Jewelry - A Best Gift

          Finally, every bride to the point of planning if they have to decide what to wear their bridesmaid jewelry great wedding. In addition to this task, spend money only in a household. Stay can be a difficult and demanding in your household in some areas.
          Remember the old slogan "Kill the birds with one stone"? Choose your bridesmaids jewelry can help you save money, time and nerves. Trends brings us to purchase "thank you" gifts for groomsmen and our agents. Why not be your bridesmaid jewelry, they need to wear for the wedding as her "Thank you for a special part of my day" gift? It is really two flies with one stone, you do not need to give another gift, which is already covered by your gift of jewelry to think. The second part is a lot of jewelry for your bridesmaids as their gift is that you cut your budget here. If you are providing funds for their jewelry and gifts, you are covered at once. Save time and money savers are great for brides on any budget.

          With so many options are on jewelry, you can use any piece of jewelry for your bridesmaids that are not only a great gift, but a very special too. Buy your jewelry bridesmaids who do not only with her bridesmaids is big, but to work for another fancy or special occasion. In many cases, the jewelry of your bridesmaids wear, are also worn for "out of town" or for any occasion.

          During marriage, choose wisely and you will get more return on allocation of budgetary resources and a really great and personal gift for the special ladies in your life.

          Thursday, September 22, 2011

          Temukan Jodoh Anda Dengan Primbon Ramalan Jodoh

          Diantara rahasia Allah yang tidak diketahui oleh manusia adalah reski, jodoh, dan mati. Berbicara jodoh pasti semuanya bersemangat apalagi bagi yang belum memiliki pasangan hidup. Meskipun Allah merahasiakan jodoh seseorang, tetapi mereka terus berusaha untuk mencari calon pendamping hidup yang cocok dengan penuh pertimbangan yang matang. Banyak cara yang mereka lakukan untuk menentukan calon istri atau suami kelak, diantaranya adalah dengan ramalan.

          Harus dipahami bahwa menentukan jodoh dengan jalan ramalan bukanlah suatu kepastian, tetapi merupakan suatu penunjuk jalan saja. Semakin banyak petunjuk membuat manusia perlu mempertimbangkan dengan matang sebelum memutuskan memilih sesorang untuk dijadikan istri atau suami.

          Anda dapat mencoba melihat peruntungan jodoh dengan Primbon Ramalan Jodoh. Primbon ini merupakan ramalan jawa berdasarkan nama dan tanggal lahir. Caranya sangat mudah:
          • Tulis nama Anda
          • Tulis tanggal, bulan, dan tahun lahir Anda
          • Tulis nama pasangan Anda
          • Tulis tanggal, bulan, dan tahun lahir pasangan Anda
          • Klik Submit, dan lihat hasilnya

          Anda tertarik? Silahkan dicoba!

          Bagaimana, apakah anda memiliki peruntungan yang baik dengan SIDIA?

          Diamond Engagement Ring Care

          Engagement ring is a precious symbol of your eternal love. Something you wear every day no matter what you do. And for this reason, your engagement ring can be exposed to harsh chemicals and activities. While diamonds are the hardest gem, they can be damaged if you're not careful. Learn to take care of your diamond ring, it really is for eternity.

          Thanks to your daily activities, your engagement ring can get smudged and soiled. Also
          If you take them off when you can take a shower and clean, they collect dust. Soaps, lotions, and our natural skin oils can cause film and grime that can dull the brilliance of your diamond engagement ring.

          To keep your diamonds sparkling and new research, you should clean it regularly. Regular cleaning will ensure that the maximum amount of light, the stones can break the ardent glow. To clean your diamond, you can use a small brush - is quite an eyebrow brush. You do not really need special chemicals, just make a bowl with soap and water with soap or mild detergent and place your engagement ring to soak in water. After a few minutes (or more if it's really caked with dirt and grime), take the soft bristle brush and rub the diamond in the liquor.

          Rinse thoroughly to remove any foam soap engagement ring. Do not keep it in the fingers under water or are you perhaps in the drain outside to look for your ring! You can put the ring in a small colander and run across the water to ensure that all soap is washed. Finally, take a lint-free cloth and dry the ring jewelers.

          If your diamonds are really dirty, you may need something a little stronger than soap and water. In this case, try a mixture of half water and half ammonia. You can soak the diamond ring for 30 minutes. Then brush with a soft brush. Rinse and dry as recommended above.

          You can also jewelry cleaning kits in almost all department stores. These kits have everything you need - the solution and brush and are quite comfortable, because they store and use them again and again. Read the label to see if the kit is OK to use on your diamond engagement ring.

          If you really want a diamond super clean, you can try an ultrasonic cleaning machine. These machines use high frequencies to create a cleaning motion. Each machine is different, but to read the instructions before using.

          Caring for your engagement ring it is not just cleaning, there is a degree of care to bring with you. Make sure you take your diamond ring to a jeweler once a year. Ask them to check the pins and fasteners and make necessary repairs. This may be your diamonds come from the environment and not to prevent loss.

          If you do not wear your engagement ring or if the stones have become loose, it must be stored in aa tissue lined casket or a box of jewelry, they can be separated from your other jewelry. Ideally, each room has its own specialist. This will keep the diamonds in your engagement ring from scratching and your diamond from scratching other jewelry.

          To ensure the best care for your diamond engagement ring, remove it from the physical work. Although diamonds are a very hard stone, it can easily chipped and scratched. Also, do not let your diamond come into contact with bleach for cleaning, parameters and materials can cause damage. These cleaners can even change the color of your institution or the diamond itself!

          Engagement ring is one of your proudest possession and it is important to make it shiny and sparkling. The preferred method of cleaning is to you, but between cleanings try not to touch the diamonds with your fingers. This will contribute to its radiance and brilliance for longer periods between cleanings.

          Buying Diamond Jewelry

          The wide range of diamond jewelry, it is often very difficult for men to decide to buy what type of jewelry for their loved ones.

          Diamonds symbolize love, commitment and friendship, making it difficult choosing the right piece of jewelry for the wide variety of diamond rings, diamond earrings, pendants diamond, diamond necklaces, diamond bracelets and diamonds, of course, always perfectly in bulk, because they can be set in any kind of jewelry.

          We can not choose the perfect diamond jewelry for you, but we can assist you with five simple steps:

          Step 1 - Know what they like:
          They refine the type of jewelry by observing the jewelry she wears in general and on different occasions to wear. The jewelry she wears may vary. For example, their jewelry on the day to be different than the one she wears when she goes out, or jewelry for formal occasions.

          Step 2 - Knowing the Size and Color of jewelry she wears:
          Now you have the type of jewelry, she may notice, it's time to take a close look at the details of his style of jewelry. The first thing you should check if she likes white gold, yellow gold or rose gold. You should also check whether she prefers conservative or flashy jewelry. For example, her earrings. Are they small and conservative like studs or big and detailed like chandelier or hoop earrings.

          Step 3 - Know your ring size (if buying a ring):
          Knowing her ring size makes it perfect ring for many reasons, one being that they wear to the ring immediately. Another reason is the effort to save the ring size.

          Step 4 - Learning about diamonds:
          Learning about diamonds will help you to understand and improve the quality and price of diamonds. Learn more about the Four C you will understand, Color, Clarity, Carat and Cut to help, and select the perfect diamond.

          Step 5 - Go Shopping for:
          Now you have an idea for the perfect gift and you can start shopping. We encourage you to search online diamond jewelry sites.

          Do not forget! Purchase of diamond jewelry is an investment. Now that you are educated in diamond jewelry, you can finally give the perfect gift.
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