Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Best Ideas For Valentine

valentine dayYou always try to look for unique gifts and take your dates out on unusual places and activities. So what have you planned for Valentine's Day? Need a few more ideas to help spice up that special occasion? If you live in the big city, take her out to dinner at a rustic inn. If you live in a small village on the outskirts of the city, give your girl a taste of big city life by having dinner at a classy restaurant, then have drinks or go dancing at a posh nightclub! Have a party. Do it differently; have a potluck party! Make Valentine's Day a feast. Who says Valentine's Day has to be celebrated quietly and in private? Get a massage.

But make it a couples massage. Two people are massaged in the same room, at the same time, by two different therapists. Some spas even have elaborate amenities for couples with fireplaces, pedicure chairs, steam showers and lounging beds where you can relax together after your treatments. And take note: this is a great way to introduce men to massage, since some men are a bit apprehensive about being nude during a massage.valentine day

Share your love. You've always said that you've got love enough for everybody, right? Well, now's the time to prove it. Prepare little red hearts with short love notes written on them, and then go visit a retirement home, nursing home or hospital.

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