Monday, January 19, 2009

Tips How To Card Making Crafts

card valentine making craft

1. Keep scare cuttings from newspapers, magazines, crap paper etc, these will come in useful when you decide to start making cards, for example, you could get a lot of kitten and animal photos that could be cut out for the use of card making .

2. Try to collect cut out punches so that you always have them at hand if you wish to create a certain shape, you can find the best deals on websites online or if you go to card boot sales, there are often craft stores which offer a huge saving on RRP rates.

3. Get specialist plastic bags to place your cards within once drying to ensure that none of the items fall off your card, these can also be helpful if you plan to sell your cards, this will keep them safe and dust free.

valentine card4. Try to alternate between shapes with cards such as curvy tops to make it more presentable to the public if they are to be sold.

5. Birthday Cards - for young people these should be colourful for example orange and pink is a good colour for birthday cards, or for older people light blues and purples are good colours.

6. Valentines Cards - Obviously red is a good colour for love, to go with red you could use white or pink, also I find black is a good colour to contrast with the red.

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